The biggest news is that the block of land we had our eyes on has sold. In fact, the real estate website says "Under Offer" so it's fairly certain we have missed the boat on this one.
I'm a firm believer in that things happen for a reason. If we were truly meant to have that block... it would be sitting there waiting for us when we were cashed up and ready to buy. So it's back to square 2 (square 1 was picking the builder/house).
Strangely... neither one of us are really disappointed. Bruce admitted that he'd have liked a slightly larger block with a bit more room on each side of the house. I added that I was worried about how much road noise we would hear from a road behind the houses that were across the street.
So... someone else now has the problem of building on that block. They will have to jump through all the hoops the Council wants with regard to the RAAF noise. Double glazed windows / extra ceiling and wall insulation / solid doors / thicker gyprock... etc etc etc.
One other thing that the new owners might have to contend with is a family of plovers that has taken up residence on the block. They are not a bird to be tangled with. Have a look at this for "built in weaponry"!!
That photo was taken with a very long lens... :-)
The last few times I've been to the block... I haven't been able to get more than 2 meters across the footpath before they take to the air and start dive bombing. I believe they mate for life and they come back to the same place to have their babies each year... so imagine them deciding that they liked your back yard!!
So... where to from here?
We've decided that we'll try to concentrate on selling Bruce's place before we worry too much about what's available elsewhere.
We've also done a flyer to deliver to every mailbox in Bayway Village too. Most of the people that have looked at the house so far are either friends or relatives of people that live in the park.
Once we've sold that... we'll look at what's available and then decide if we are building or buying a house.
I love the thought of having something completely new that we've watched rise from the dirt. However, the appeal of buying something and not having to wait so long for it to be built is there too.
At this point I really don't know what we'll end up doing.
What I do know is that we'll do it together and we'll be happy either way.
It's great to be making such huge decisions with someone and knowing that they think the same way you do. Our dreams / doubts / plans / ideas / worries / thoughts and goals are the same...
We could live in a tent and I'd be happy.
There are some things that money just can't buy!!!