Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Move is Done

Well Bruce and I are now officially living together. It's taken us 4 years to get to this point but we both believe this is where we are meant to be - together.

The move has gone exceptionally well. Nothing has been a drama! Even the things I was avoiding the most worked perfectly.

Things like...

Merging the TV's and DVD's - this was so simple and everything is working like a dream now. Perhaps we should be in business setting up people's TV's etc!!!

Two computers - no problem. We bought a switch box from Officeworks and so now we have 1 monitor, 1 keyboard/mouse, 1 set of speakers and 2 computers. All we have to do is push a button to go from one computer to the other... like magic!

Two fishtanks - the guppy babies are fine - as I mentioned in my other post. The big tank has relocated very easily too. Because stress can cause "white spot" we decided to treat the tank to try to avoid it. This has worked - even at the half dose we had to use because of the clown loaches - however the clown loaches have gone to God (seems the half dose was still too much).

So... besides the aquatic sadness... everything else is fantastic.

We had Bruce's girls (Kimberly & Maddi) here for a week and everyone had plenty of room to move around the house without falling over boxes or each other.

Our 3 bedroom house is now really only 1.4 bedrooms - but we are as happy as can be.

One step closer to BUILDING!!!!!

Now all we have to do is be successful real estate agents and sell Bruce's house.

We've made a website to achieve this (feel free to share it around).


Someone has just told me that we can do a free listing on realestate.com.au too... so there's no guessing what we'll be looking at on the net tonight hey!

Don't you just love the internet!!!!! What did we ever do without it???

Saturday, October 10, 2009

1 down 1 to go...

Well we've been busy this last week (when we haven't been at work) shifting stuff from Bruce's place to mine. The outdoor area at my place is full of everything that was in Bruce's shed at his place. The 2nd bedroom here is almost full. We'll be filling it to the brim this weekend after we move some of the last big things down (fridge, desk, lounge etc).

One thing that has relocated without any dramas at all has been the first of our fish tanks. We successfully rehoused the guppy babies from the old hexagonal tank to the newer Aqua One tank. So they now live on the filing cabinet next to my desk.

You can't see it very well in that photo - so have a look in the next one - there are 25 babies in that tank!

They were surprisingly easy to catch in the old tank. They are so inquisitive so as soon as we put the container into the tank to catch them they swam over to see what was going on (food???)

So they are all settled and very happy to be in their new home. Some are already bigger than they were just a few days ago!!

Today we are relocating the bigger tank... so when it's all set up I'll put up some more photos!

Off to do more moving now!!!